Comprehensive Services
Most families choose a comprehensive package which covers all aspects of the college application process. Prior to senior year, we work together to explore and research colleges. During the summer before senior year, we tackle the Common App and UC essays to reduce the workload during the fall of senior year. I communicate regularly with parents so that they know how their children are progressing. These steps reduce family stress over the college application process - I want families to enjoy each other during the last year at home. The comprehensive package includes:
Exploration of goals and priorities
Researching potential majors
Development of a balanced college list
Ability to conduct online college research through proprietary college planning software
College visit planning
Application timelines
Standardized test requirements and schedule
Interview preparation and role-playing
College essay brainstorming and feedback
Access to all supplemental essay prompts through proprietary software
Keeping track of high school’s deadlines and requirements
Review of college applications prior to submission
Assistance with final decisions
Hourly Blocks
Families can also choose to work on an hourly basis in blocks of 5, 10 or 15 hours. Each family decides how to spend this time.
College List
Testing Schedules
Application Timelines
Essay Brainstorming
Essay Feedback
Application Review
Final Decision